The Good Space

Many people are discussing The Bad Space Fediverse blocklist after they blocked, but few people went through all 355 pages to look at its contents. I did that and want to share my findings.

These are just entries that piqued my curiosity. I did not check every instance one by one.

The reason for the block, every receipts the Bad Space provided in its "Snaps" section, and the tags used, are copy-pasted as provided by the website. I don't agree with their accusations, I only provide them for reference.

Conclusion: Do I really have to tell you? This blocklist looks exactly like what kiwifarms nazis would come up with if they decided to make a malicious blocklist to isolate vulnerable trans women. So call it what it is, and call out people who promote it.

Because this list is just assembled from multiple malicious blocklists without any checking at all, the problem is not just with this list: every blocklist will be like that, a list of personal grudges misrepresented as hate speech. There will never be a "good" list you will ever be able to trust. The proof is right there: the best blocklist the Fediverse has to offer, the one people want to hardcode into new Mastodon installations, that you're encouraged to donate to, is pure concentrated transphobia, every entry being "no description", no receipts, and copy-pasted "hate speech, poor moderation" tags.

Looking through this Bad Space, I didn't find many nazis, I mostly found a lot of nice new trans people to follow. I would like to defend more instances, I'm sure I could make my list much longer than this, but I have already spent more time defending those people than was ever spent on assembling this list that defames them. And I didn't even ask you for any money to do that!
You should be truly ashamed of giving this list your financial support when you could have supported #transcrowdfund instead. If you gave any, fix that.

Before you leave, a request: my gf was inconsolable about being on the Bad Space, so tell them blocklists are bullshit and that they're a good girl who did nothing wrong and deserves headpats :3 account

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